Cloak and Dagger Games is a micro-indie team based in London, UK. We have full-time jobs and create our games in our spare time! We are currently regrouping and recharging our batteries to begin work on our next game following The Excavation of Hob's Barrow.
Hailing from New Zealand, Shaun grew up playing games on his Sega Master System and Amiga 500. Alex Kidd in Miracle World was an early obsession, but when he played Quest for Glory on the Amiga, everything changed. Secret of Monkey Island soon followed and an adventure game fan was created for life.
After saying he was going to make a game for years, a workplace art exhibition gave him the chance to make something small in Adventure Game Studio. Mudlarks was born shortly thereafter, and the floodgates opened. |
Those who know him are akin to John's sudden bursts of energy to get through projects. He spends most of the rest of his time just floating around - this trait mirrored the barracuda fish's hunting habits, and thus the name was given.
Furthermore the barracuda do not shy from attacking larger prey and John has always dreamed of taking on establishments. Be it through art forms or other methods. The egg is a reference is the barracuda’s rebirth, this time promising to show long term commitments to projects great and small. |
Laurie co-wrote Hob's Barrow, Football Game & Mudlarks.
The language expert of the bunch, Laurie is chief writing editor and helps write characters and dialogue. She is always on hand to help with puzzle ideas and playtesting. Laurie has fond memories of playing adventure games as a child, and is happy to be back in the world of gaming after a long absence. Laurie is not on social media and prefers to stay in the shadows, as it were. Her native language came in handy when translating Football Game into French! |